Baby wearing- it ROCKS!
Babies love to be held, need to be held, need to be close to someone who loves them. At the same time, parents need to care for other children, make lunch, do laundry and in my case, run a business. Babywearing is what has helped me get through the day and nurse my son this long while providing him with that closeness that he loves. There are so many benefits to baby wearing and you can read more about them at Baby Wearing International.
What I love most about babywearing that I feel like I am able to care for my child and respond to his needs immediately. I know that he is safe and secure and happy. Because he’s almost 3 and we are still breastfeeding, baby wearing has helped me meet his needs even when I can’t always sit still for a feeding. Don’t get me wrong, I would rather sit/lay down and nurse but that just isn’t possible all the time. We’ve also used our carrier for hiking, vacations and on long shopping trips when his legs are “Soooooo tired.”
My favorite carriers were a wrap for my little guy and then we moved up to a Boba carrier as he got bigger. I loved them so much that I started selling them at Honey Bump Maternity. There are so many different types of baby carriers today that it can be a little confusing but I highly suggest looking for a babywearing group in your local area! Here is a link to Otown baby wearers which is my local group 🙂 They also have a facebook group that you can find here (you must request to join). Most groups have regular meetings where you can meet other moms, learn about various carriers, how to use them safely, and try some on.
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If you’re new to baby wearing then check it out and do some research. You’ll love it and your baby will too!