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Where I Want to Take My Kids This Summer

Many of us parents believe that by booking up the first 6 weeks of summer with camps and travel, we’ll be all set.
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Not. The case.

August shows up with a smile on its sunny face and a “So, whatcha gonna do with them this ENTIRE MONTH?”

I, for one, am not going to just sit around the house shouting “NO!” at the various loud/destructive/dangerous things my offspring do to pass the time. I have plans.

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Big. Easy. Plans.

Try not to be too jealous of how fancy I get when plotting out the end of their summer vacation. I’m fairly certain you, too, can arrange outings as exciting as ours will be.

How about you?

What are you looking forward to doing with your kids until school starts up again?


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Four Reasons to Take the Kids to Disneyland This Summer

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Arizona Summer Camps for Special Needs Kids

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Design Zone

Best Museum Exhibits for Kids This Summer

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Where You Retreat When Traveling

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