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Tech Tip: Log Your Run Online Training Log

Let me start by saying -- I am NOT a runner. But I still keep an online training log. Why? I happen to be a girl who loves tracking stats, seeing GPS in action and dreams of being in shape. (Thanks to Erin for some extra motivation here!)

Log Your Run Logo

When my dad, a veteran of 30+ marathons and counting, shared Log Your Run with me, I knew it was technology I could really use, and it was free!


What's so great? First, I can access the same data from my computer or my phone, no need to reconcile data -- Yipee!

Log Your Run Route Saver
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The tool tracks multiple types of activities (walking, swimming, etc.), my routes are mapped and my pace is calculated. So while I may be a few years behind my dad's lifetime mileage of 16,000 (more than half way around the Earth!), at least I've taken the first step!

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Disclaimer: While I'd love someone to pay me the big bucks to be their fitness spokesperson, I was not compensated for this post. The opinions of Log Your Run are all mine.


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