Valentines Day Cards for Causes
it’s actually fun to see the stores all dolled up for this one event!
But what I really enjoy about this time is the idea of spreading love, thus making valentines day cards for causes!
My girls were asked as part of their 4H club to make Valentines Day Cards and homemade cookies that will be delivered via our local Meals on Wheels Program. They had a wonderful time making these simple, meaningful cards!
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I decided to join in by making cards for our East Coast Friends in New York City for their Citymeals on Wheels program. Using simple graphics, and my computer and printer, I came up with these!
I encourage you this year to find an organization and make cards for them, N0t only does it promote the day of Valentines, but also the act of goodwill and love! Here’s a link to the nationwide meals on wheels program to help find one near you!
You can read more about what we did on my blog at omshesaid!
Happy Heart Month!