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The Easiest Easter Cake Ever

With Easter literally around the corner, I wanted to make something fun for the kids.
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I decided to try the Pinterest-inspired cake that used Kit Kat bars and M&Ms!

Here are the ingredients; Boxed cake mix, store-blought frosting, Kit Kat bars and M&M Easter/pastel-colored candies.

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Bake the cake according to box directions. I have to admit, I used applesauce instead of oil, because I thought all the sugar might kill me! Go here for a list of oil substitutions. You’d be surprised what you can use in a cake and have it still taste good!

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I used two 8 inch round cake pans. When cakes were cool, added the frosting…

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Put the Kit Kat bars around the cake (I think it was a total of 24 sticks.)

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Topped with one bag of the candies. I tied some ribbons I had around the cake to make it look a little more festive.

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And that was it! Not a lot of fuss, barely any cleanup and if you are serving this at an event where there are kids, you won’t have any leftovers! 🙂


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