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Mothers Day Craft DIY Flower Power

My son absolutely loves doing crafts with me.
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I think part of him loves the tactile part of it and then creating something really neat to show everyone. This craft for Mother’s Day requires a little deconstruction and prep on your part. I found all of the materials at Michael’s for under $5 (on sale) and you could probably find most of them at your local dollar store. I tend to keep glitter, glue and card stock on hand since I use them a lot. As with all crafts, you will need to determine the level of participation that your child can handle. This is pretty simple and my 4 year old was able to do most of it with a little help and I handled all of the deconstruction.

Materials Needed:

  • Scissors
  • School Glue (Glue sticks won’t work on this project.)
  • 1 or 2 Silk flowers (depending upon how many you make)
  • silver or gold glitter
  • Sturdy cardboard or stock paper
  • 1 popsicle stick or paper towel
  • Newspapers (for under the project to keep your table clean)
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How to make:

  1. Pull or cut all of the petals off the flower(s)
  2. Draw a circle in the middle of the page. Use a lid from a mayo jar or anything you have around the house if you need a template.
  3. Lay petals around the circle and then glue them down (let dry for 15-20 minutes before continuing)
  4. Using the popsicle stick or paper towel, put glue on it and then spread around in the circle making sure the whole inner circle is covered.
  5. Pour or shake the glitter in the circle and shake the paper or cardboard to evenly distribute the glitter. (let dry for 20 min.)
  6. Take the stem of the flower you destroyed and then cut it to size for the page. If there are leaves, remove them.
  7. Glue the stem and any leaves to the page and let dry.
  8. Display or give away!
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