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Gravenstein Apple Fair

The Gravenstein Apple Fair in Sonoma County on August 10th and 11th is a great place for kids and food-lovers alike.
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There’s apple juice for the kids and plenty of the world’s best wines and microbrews for the moms and dads.  If you’re looking for a sweeter, gentler kind of summer fair– without all the cheap, greasy food and sun-baked, dusty crowds– then come hang out in cozy Sebastopol for the weekend and enjoy a pleasant summer celebration.

Plenty of arts and crafts vendors will be scattered under the shady oaks to tempt you with their wares, and there will be farm life demonstrations throughout both days for those wanting to see a sheep sheared or a goat milked.  Live entertainment at the Gravenstein Apple Fair (besides the livestock variety) will feature bands on two stages—blues groups, the Love Choir, and Mr. Music (a singalong kind of guy) who will grace the Farm Stage at 1:30 on Saturday.

You can’t beat the drive through the winding grassy hills and ranchlands to Sebastopol, and if you’re coming to the Apple Fair from more than a couple hours away, you might consider staying for the whole weekend.  Accommodations are available in Sebastopol as well as nearby Santa Rosa, Windsor, Occidental and Bodega Bay.

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Admission prices are $12 for adults and $5 for kids under 12.  You get $2 off if you’re over 65 (go on, get the grandparents involved, too) or if you ride your bike.  Critters under 3 are free.

The Apple Fair will take place in Sebastopol at Ragle Ranch Park.  Directions and parking details are here and on their website.

The Gravenstein Apple Fair is sponsored by Sonoma County Farm Trails which is a non-profit supporting sustainable agriculture throughout the county—fun, and a good cause to boot.

Gravenstein Apple Fair

Saturday, August 10th and Sunday, August 11th 2013

Ragle Ranch Park in Sebastopol, CA

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