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Do You Pee Your Pants? DON’T LIE!

Have you given birth? Maybe once or twice?
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Loved. It. Could not get enough.

Now I sit on the lawn with other moms and watch our kiddos go BANANAS and we lament that it looks fun, but alas, we can’t join in because we’d pee our stupid pants.


Now I look back at the early weeks of my first pregnancy and think, “WHERE WERE YOU, OLDER MOMS?” You failed me. You told me how to handle morning sickness and fretted over finding out the gender, when what you should have been saying is “Go run around the block! Go to the trampoline park! Laugh or sneeze and high five yourself because your pants stayed dry.

And I’m not the only one. I know it. I’ve heard hilarious stories of a mom runner that found herself peeing…couldn’t stop…and threw caution to the wind and just poured a bunch of water down the front of herself and finished out her marathon.

I appreciate her commitment.

I can’t run without having an accident, which is why I don’t run marathons. SO STOP ASKING.

And this little unspoken truth that moms share? Always comes out, confessional style, like that woman thinks she’s the ONLY one.


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And most moms that I know are dealing with this pesky problem by using pads that are designed for your menstrual cycle. Which is not ideal for your body or your wallet.

But now you have an easy option—Always Discreet. They have all of the perks of the pads you’ve been using (odor control and LeakGuards) but they absorb 4x more than a period pad of similar size.

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Maybe I will run that marathon after all…

And you can get pads, liners, underwear, whatever works best for you. (If it was me, I may buy a pack of undies and GET CRAZY at the trampoline park to make up for lost time. Who’s with me?!)

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Want even more great news? Right now, Walmart shoppers can get up to $8 off Always Discreet products! Look for theAlways Discreetcoupons in the 10/1 newspaper including, $2 off liners, $3 off pads and $3 off underwear – including Always Discreet Boutique – bladder leak underwear with a little ohh-la-la.

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