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Life and Blood Mix

I just donated blood and thought a play list reminding us to appreciate life would be a good one. Everyone should give blood & give life.
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I just donated blood and thought a play list reminding us to appreciate life would be a good one. Everyone should give blood and give life.

1. Rush of Blood to the Head, Coldplay

2. All My Life, Foo Fighters

3. Bleed the Freak, Alice in Chains

4. Live & Let Die, Guns 'n' Roses

5. Sunday Bloody Sunday, U2

6. My Life, Billy Joel

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7. A Day In the Life, The Beatles

8. Living Room, David Gray

9. Life's Been Good to Me So Far, Joe Walsh

10. Living Loving Maid, Led Zepplin

11. I Bleed, The Pixies

12. Lives, Modest Mouse

From Stacy B. of Chicago, IL


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