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February Love Mix - A Tortured Love

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Darling Ohio Mama Miggy is an artist, creator, and mother of two adorable girls: Bean, who used her first 12 months to perfect an awesomely epic scowl, and Lamp, who was born with physical challenges that she overcomes with the sweetest epic smile. You can keep up with this adorable crew at This Little Miggy Stayed Home.

Warhol Miggy

Warhol Miggy

Miggy here with a February love mix of the tortured love sort. I'm not sure what it is about the tortured love song but it calls to me... stories of unrequited love, love and loss, or love that was doomed from the start. These are the songs that tug and pull at the heartstrings but somehow make you feel a little better at the same time. A lot of the songs are moody and melancholy but certainly not all. Some old, some new, some classic rock, some butt rock, indie, alternative...tortured love knows no bounds.

I Miss You (James Gutherie Mix) --Blink 182

We've Got Tonight--Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band

Joey --Concrete Blonde

Skinny Love --Bon Iver

Possibility --Lykke Li

Home Now --No Doubt

Just Like Heaven --The Cure

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Romeo and Juliet --Dire Straits

You're Not Coming Home Tonight --First Aid Kit

Alone --Heart

Ten Years Gone --Led Zeppelin

Nothing Better --The Postal Service

I Remember You --Skid Row

El Scorcho --Weezer

Unloveable --The Smiths

Your Ex-Lover is Dead--Stars

Maps --Yeah Yeah Yeahs

Sunken Treasure --Wilco


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