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Ever wonder what it would be like to stand next to your younger self? What would you say? What would you think??

Dutch graphic designer Ard Gelinck is making that possible (at least for celebrities) via his mashup photo series entitled "Then and Now."

For the last 10 years fans have been gawking at these fun—and sometimes tear-inducing—side-by-sides of celebrities with their younger selves. And the effect isn't wearing off anytime soon.

With an endless supply of big names to Photoshop, Gelinck can only add to his already impressive list—many of whom have actually given him a shout out for his work on their likenesses. When you have celebs like Madonna, Sylvester Stalone, and Ricky Gervais publicly lauding a project, you tend to keep it up.

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Check out all of Ard's work on his Instagram!

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