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Why Every Home Needs A Map

I love maps.
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We are a family who travels a lot, so I love having a map in my home so my kids can see the WORLD when we’re not gallivanting around.  I’m a firm believer that every home needs a map.  We live in a great country with so many possibilities and choices available to us, but there is a world out there that is so very different from our norm.  If you can’t take your kids to see the world, then having a map in your home is the next best step to opening up their world.

We often dream about places we’d like to travel.  I love having a map, so we can actually “see” where those places are.  It makes it a little more real for the kiddos.  Let’s talk about the educational side, too.  Having a map is an amazing way to become a geography expert.  I love hearing things like, “I didn’t know that’s where it was!” as the kids look on the map to see exactly where such and such country is.  It suddenly goes from a place they’ve heard about to knowing exactly where it is.

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We recently received a map from Maps.Com.  It’s already become a visual interest as the kids point out where we’ve been, where we lived in S. Africa, and where they’d like to go someday.  I mounted our World Wall Map onto a canvas, and I love the look.  The back of the map is formatted with Wallzilla, a peel and stick self-adhesive that sticks to most surfaces.  It’s easy to stick and adjust if you need to.  Wallzilla is patented and produced exclusively for Maps.Com and does not require nails or screws.  It is simply genius!

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Did you know that Maps.Com is the leading provider of mapping products?  They have over 10,000 products available from maps, globes, atlases, online mapping tools, and more.  They have a network of over 3,000 publishers, so there’s LOTS to choose from!  Maps.Com even has fun interactive games for the kids to play.  So very educational!

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Do you have a map in your home?  How do you expose your kids to the world beyond their home country?

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Disclosure: I received a world wall map for free fromMaps.Comin exchange for my honest review.  All opinions are my own.


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