Signing Time: Using Sign Language to Communicate
When our children with autism have communication difficulties, we want to find the best avenues to assist them in expressing themselves and receiving information. With all of the brilliant technology available to us today, often parents (myself included) will immediately look into a device that will give our children the helping hand they need — like the iPad or some other technological device out there. While these devices are wonderful, and I am beyond thankful we have them as options, sometimes the ‘free’ devices that we have at our disposal can slip our minds – and yet, they are right at our fingertips. The free devices, or tools, that I speak of are our absolutely amazing and uniquely designed hands.
Sign language, or ASL, has long been an incredible way to communicate with people of varying special needs, and has allowed many people to feel more connected to the world around them. My son’s teacher has taught him some basic sign language, and I do find it helpful to use when I need to express certain ideas to him, and vice versa.
Support for Families ( is offering a free introductory ASL class this coming Wed, Oct. 23, 2013, called Signing Time. Basic ASL will be taught, and ASL tools that are available to teach you and your child will be discussed. To register, contact Support for Families at (415) 920-5040.
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Image of “Hand I Love You” sign
Image courtesy of Danilo Rizzuti/