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Following their antiracism post last week, Sesame Street has teamed up with CNN to host an hour-long town hall meeting for children and their families. According to CNN, "the show will talk to kids about racism, the recent nationwide protests, embracing diversity and being more empathetic and understanding."

Since 1969 Sesame Street has been an example of inclusivity, equality, and community. Throughout the years the beloved show has promoted compassion and fairness, and their commitment is as strong as ever.

With Big Bird moderating the event alongside CNN's Van Jones and Erica Hill, the team will address these critical issues as well as answer questions submitted by families across the country.

Make sure to tune in to "Coming Together: Standing Up to Racism. A CNN/Sesame Street Town Hall For Kids and Families" on CNN or stream it live on's homepage at 10 a.m. ET on June 6, 2020.

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