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My 2013 Summer Bucket List

Summer Bucket Lists are a great way to make sure to get all the warm weather fun in without any regrets!
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Memorial Day is over. It’s unofficially, officially summer in my world.

I am a warm-weather body, and I love it. I am a summer baby, my husband is a summer baby, and my baby is a summer baby. We are naturally made for summer.

I love the popsicles and sticky fingers, the sound of the ice cream man, the chalk figures decorating the sidewalk, the smell of barbeques, the hikes among the wildflowers and fireworks on the 4th of July.  We love summer.

Taking a note out of Not Just A Mommy’s book, we created our 2013 summer bucket list this past week, and I’m so excited to get started crossing things off!

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Here’s to hoping I’m more successful this time around!

If you haven’t made your list yet, check out the Summer Bucket List Challenge at The Happy Family Movement. They have tons of great ideas for things to add to your list, guides, prizes, a Facebook community and more.

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