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T-Shirt Dress {Easy Sewing Tutorial}

In almost any tourist trap they have cheap t-shirts.
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I don’t usually wear cheap t-shirts around, but fashioned as a skirt or t-shirt dress I might! (See Also: T-Shirt to Skirt)


T-shirt 2-3 Sizes Larger than you wear

T-shirt that fits perfectly (Just for the pattern!)

Matching Thread


Fold both t-shirts in half. Lay the small pattern t-shirt an inch from the center. This will account for seam allowance. Cut the bottom shirt along the lines of the top shirt.

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Turn the t-shirt inside out, and pin the sides together. The best for sewing these sides is a serger, but using a zig-zag stitch on a regular sewing machine will work just as well. Sew the sides of the t-shirt dress. Do not sew the arm holes closed.

The last thing is to finish the sleeves. Fold the edges over twice, and press them. Use a long straight stitch or a zig-zag stitch to hem the arm holes.

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That’s it! It took me longer to write this post about how to do this than it did for me to make each of these t-shirt dresses, and I love them!

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I did go back to the black one and made it into tank top instead, because it is going to start getting hot in Arizona!

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