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Share your beliefs!

Weekend homework: Comfy up on the couch and have a flick through your scrapbooks/journals. Ah - those smiling faces, birthday memories - it's all there, isn't it? A whole, complete package showcasing all the aspects of your life? Oh, it's not?

Weekend homework: Comfy up on the couch and have a flick through your scrapbooks/journals. Ah - those smiling faces, birthday memories - it's all there, isn't it? A whole, complete package showcasing all the aspects of your life? Oh, it's not? Hmm..what's missing? For me, I noticed plenty of pages and entries about who I love, how I love them, what we do, where we've been etc etc. But what about what I believe? What I think? What I feel strongly about (outside of family!) that makes me me? These pages were few and far between. I think it's important to remember to share these in our albums!

Imagine the joy you would find in reading an older generation's entry on their current political situation. Or why they chose rural over city living. Or...anything at all really! We all believe/think/feel so differently - wouldn't it be great to see the tickings of the mind on paper? I want my children to know how I felt about various issues, what I was passionate about besides them, share my beliefs so that perhaps when they are grown and recognize the same feelings within themselves they'll perhaps understand where a little bit of that came from.

Here are some topics for you to leap off off...

  • What worries you?
  • What gets you all riled up? (ahem, I am talking about things besides your children by the way!)
  • How do you feel about yourself?
  • What are you passionate about?
  • Who do you turn to for comfort?
  • How do you find inner peace?
  • Why did you choose to live where you do?
  • What is magical?
  • What is important?
  • What is a difficult choice you made?
  • What is quirky about you?
  • What are you known for?
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A few years ago when my daughter was two, I started a small scrapbook for her called 'She Believes'. Each page was simple, with a photo of her and something that I believe in. Something important to me that i hope my daughter will also grow to believe or feel strongly about - from 'she believes in dressing wild', to 'she believes prayers can be answered'. Not only is it a fun little book for her to look through (that i am still working on!), but it reminds me and teaches her of things close to my heart.

Whatever it is that you are thinking of, feeling passionate about at this time in your life - make some time soon to write it down soon - even in the form of a letter to yourself. Maybe you could start by writing a series of questions to ask yourself and keeping the in strips in a jar, or simply listed in a journal for when you have time to answer them in a journal, or add photos and artwork in your scrapbook albums. It's important to record/reflect on your core beliefs and learn and grow from them!

Emily :)

Be sure to check out this book by Sharon Soneff, to which Emily contributes - showcasing deep and moving journal pages on a variety of topics including struggles, beliefs, overcoming obstacles and more.



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