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I Am Enough

I’ve shared the epiphany that led me to make the big leap to TodaysMama and the WAHM life over at Tracey Clark’s I Am Enough collaborative.
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One of the things people always ask when they meet me at a conference or what-not, is how I found Rachael and became the very first employee of

On the surface, it is a simple story. I was working as a Promotions Director for a local radio station when she and Stephanie released the first edition of the Utah Mama Handbook, waaaaaaay back in 2005. The morning show producer got a copy of the book and invited Rachael to be a guest on our station every Monday morning for “The Utah Mama Minute”.

Rachael would go on the air, share the family friendly events that were happening around Salt Lake City that week. (Who would have thought that would turn into this website!) I was introduced to her and she began to stalk me.

Okay, not really. But she did email me her 8th grade glamour shot. Which somehow ended up on the internet. WHOOPS. Sorry, about that Rach.

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While my friendship with Rachael was growing, I was struggling to make heads or tales of my future. My husband and I wanted to start a family and one day Rachael asked me point-blank, how I expected to do that if I was working long hours and weekends.

So I wrestled with my goals and I came to realize that what I really wanted was enough.

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I’ve shared the epiphany that led me to make the big leap to TodaysMama over at Tracey Clark’s I Am Enough collaborative. I don’t often pour my heart out like this, but I was honored to share this story and be part of such a special project.




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