Dreaming of Children
When a medical prognosis disrupted Elisabeth Williams’s dreams of motherhood she decided to focus her education, love and attention into working with children in need. Read more about Elisabeth’s work with abused and neglected kids and her next big dream – becoming a mom herself.
Elisabeth Lynn Williams
What was your big dream?
I was born to be a mother! Motherhood is something I’ve looked forward to for as long as I can remember. When I was 16 years old my doctors discovered I have a bi-cornuate uterus, ovarian cysts and endometriosis—any of which alone could play a significant role in infertility. The prognosis was not good. I was devastated. After days of crying and wallowing, I came to the realization that my Father in Heaven would provide a way for me to be a mother. I knew there were other things I needed to do in the meantime… So I tried to forget myself and get to work.
How did you accomplish it?
I graduated with a degree in Therapeutic Recreation and worked with a wide variety of populations—women with eating disorders, children with disabilities, people with Alzheimer’s, patients in long term care. I enjoyed my experiences, but knew I hadn’t quite found my niche. In October 2007 I found it I got a job as the Community Outreach Representative at the Salt Lake Christmas Box House which is a shelter and assessment center for kids who’ve been removed from their homes due to neglect or abuse. I coordinate volunteers and donations, give tours of the House, speak in the community and plan outings for the kids. Our motto and our belief is that “Every child deserves a childhood.” I get to help create and provide the childhood these children deserve but haven’t had yet. It’s remarkable to see the way people wrap their arms around our kids at a time that is difficult and confusing.
Where did you find inspiration to get started?
I was speaking with one of my patients at the hospital where I worked at the time. She was telling me about her previous work with Child Protective Services—stories of kids in need. Something moved me, and I knew the hospital wasn’t where I needed to be.
What motivated you to keep going?
The kids motivate me. It’s inspiring to see how these little ones rise to the occasion. They are so incredibly resilient and forgiving—it’s unbelievable. I want to be more like them when I grow up.
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What's your next Big Dream?
My next big dream is to become mother. If I get to put in a request, I’d love twins. Call me crazy :) I’m a newlywed, so my husband and I have some big plans and dreams ahead of us—the list really is endless and there’s no one I’d rather dream with than Tyler.
When you were 5 what did you want to be when you grew up?
My family went to Washington DC one year. As we drove past the White House, I piped up from the backseat and said, “I’m going to be the maid there someday.” My parents were so proud. Dream big... :)
What about when you were 15?
I wanted to be a floral designer—weddings and all those girly things.
Now, what do you want to be when you grow up?
I want to be a loving wife and mother. I want to spend the rest of my life working as an advocate for children in crisis. I would love to continue to use my Therapeutic Recreation background to help children increase their confidence and give them the words to talk about what they’re experiencing. I would also love to further my education… Now it’s just a matter of deciding what in, exactly.
What book is on your night stand?
“Grace” by Richard Paul Evans
What's your Guilty Pleasure? (Grey's Anatomy, Peppermint Mocha Lattes)
Butterfinger milkshakes, frozen gummy bears, sweet potato fries and donuts.
What song moves you?
“Ordinary Miracle” by Sarah McLachlan, “Here” by Rascal Flatts and anything my husband sings to me.