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Circle Punch Polka Dot Snail Craft

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You can add “circle punch” to the list of crafty supplies that lurk in my closet unused, because I lack the crafty imagination to come up with something adorable.

Lucky for me (and all non-crafters, like me) there are so many great craft ideas floating around on the internet.

For example, this Polka Dot snail from Polkadots on Parade is just begging to made in some fashion by my girl. (Seeing a snail around here is a real cause of celebration, according to her.)

Image via Polkadots on Parade

Image via Polkadots on Parade

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Patterned paper, circle punches, a little Mod Podge (or glue), and you’ve got a yourself an afternoon activity to delight kids of all ages.

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Circle Punch Polka Dot Snail Craft

Circle Punch Polka Dot Snail Craft

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