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Primo’s Run for Education

Run for a great cause and be a part of an East Bay tradition!
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Primo’s Pizza in Danville will hold its 29th annual Run for Education this Sunday, October 14th.  There will be two separate races—a 5K for those of you wanting some good exercise, and a ½ marathon for you over-achievers.  There’s still time to register  for both the race and Primo’s Pasta Feed the evening before the race.  The Pasta Feed will take place at Primo’s in Danville and feature performances by local school musical groups.  All proceeds from the events go to the San Ramon Valley Education Foundation.

For those of you who want to compete, there are cash prizes awarded for both the 5K and the ½ marathon, and US Track and Field recognizes the race as a qualifier for other competitions.  For the little people (aka the rest of us), there’s the 5K (untimed) Fun Run/Walk—good for the whole family.  Just leave the family dog at home—Fido and his buddies are not allowed.

As with most charity runs like this, you’ll get a t-shirt for participating.  And you’ll want to hold on to that baby, because Primo’s Run t-shirts are collector’s items.

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Primo’s Run for Education

Sunday, October 14th, 2012

5K run and fun run/walk begins at Iron Horse Middle School in San Ramon

½ marathon begins at Primo’s Pizza in Danville

More info here.

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