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Healthy Snacks: Coffee-mate Over Fruit

I am always on the lookout for healthy snacks for kids–and for me
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What can we bring out after school that will make everyone happy?

This is our favorite new discovery.

The golden key to this snack is, of course, the French Vanilla Coffeemate. I am not a coffee drinker so I have, in gross error, passed by this lovely product many times at the grocery store.  Now that I know, it sits alongside the milk in our refrigerator ready to be poured over fruit at any moment. It is seriously SO good that my six year old wants to marry it. 

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I am delighted to report that Coffeemate is now sold in bulk at Costco. Sweet.

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Finally, please note, I don’t pour this product on too freely. The calories in Coffeemate are not for free.

But two tablespoons over fruit can go a long way. And my whole family agrees.

More Food on Today’s Mama:

Easy Caramel Apples to Make with your Kiddos

Basil Pesto Dressing recipe and what to do with other fruits and veggies

Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies


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