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Hoisin Burgers and a Parenting Pep Talk

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It’s grilling season and the table and chairs on our deck have been hauled out of winter storage.

Let’s do this!

And by “this” I mean “eat food cooked over a flame in the great outdoors!”

I love a great burger. On my birthday (which happens to be TODAY) I always request that my husband make hamburgers. I like my burger garlicky and covered in cheddar and roasted green chili. Mmmmmm.

I could eat a green chili cheeseburger every day...but then I would probably have to stop writing my Healthy Living for Mom posts. BUT that doesn’t mean I am willing to only enjoy a burger only once a year! I just think we’re going to need to experiment with healthier options and this Hoisin Burger from Dinner: A Love Story sounds delicious.

Image via Dinner: A Love Story

Image via Dinner: A Love Story

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Oh, yes. As for the parenting pep talk...prior to the Hoisin Burger recipe, Jenny shares her thoughts on spending time together as a family. Thoughts that I found to be encouraging, inclusive, and inspiring. Enjoy!

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