Lightheaded Beds Giveaway and Review
At some point in the last few months the nightlight situation in my girl’s room has escalated. We went from one light to three lights to three lights plus the door open with the hallway light on.
I think it’s part stalling...part a desire to have enough light to color and goof off...part active Kindergartner imagination running wild. So when I heard about LightHeaded Beds, I thought it would be perfect for my girl.
LightHeaded Beds are stylish, high-quality beds that featured a backlit headboard that holds an image graphic that illuminates a room enough to read and can be dimmed to serve as a cozy night-light for a young child, like mine.
We picked the Explorer Twin Bed. Set up was a piece of cake. If you consider being heavily assisted by a 2 year old a piece of cake.
We picked a swirling pink and orange HeadLightz image from the image gallery on you can never have too much pink.
She was so excited to sleep in her new bed that first night.
The light has a dimmer and on it’s brightest setting, we could lay in bed and easily read a book.
I was surprised at how sturdy the bed is. Her former bed, that will be handed down to her brother, was an investment and was a substantial piece of furniture. I didn’t think the LightHeaded Bed would be up for the task of holding both of us (it came out of a box!) but we can snuggle and read together without the bed feeling rickety at all. Her little brother is obsessed with the bed and has been known to pile in with us and if it can handle the mini-Hulk, it can handle anything.
This girl has been sleeping like a champ.
What we love...
Recommended for You
The light works on a remote control that includes a dimmer, fade-to-off nightlight that can be set on a timer, so you can set the light to stay on for 15, 30, 45, or 60 minutes before it shuts off
I like that the headboard doesn’t have a switch so I can stash the remote out of my kids reach so we aren’t playing the on-off-on-off-on-off we do in the kitchen.
The Headlightz artwork can be easily swapped out and there are a ton of designs to choose from, including Disney and Marvel licensed characters. You can also upload your own custom artwork and have an image created.
The bed is well-made and easy to clean. My sweet son took a crayon to the bed not 24 hours after it was set up. I was able to get the crayon right off with a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser and the bed looks perfect.
Where to Get Yours
Lightheaded Beds are currently available in Sam’s Club locations across the U.S. or on
Win One of Your Own!
My girl loves her new bed. So let’s give one away!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
*Disclaimer: I was given a LightHeaded Bed for the purposes of reviewing the product for My opinions, words, and feelings are my always. ;)
More LightHeaded Beds Giveaways! (and very cool pics of what the bloggers did with their beds)